AS/A Level ICT (H117, H517)
26 September 2016
Important reminder about the use of third party guidance by centres and candidates for Unit G062 (Structured ICT Tasks) for AS/A Level ICT (H117, H517)
We would like to remind centres who have entered candidates for AS/A Level ICT (H117, H517) that we do not endorse the use of any third party guidance to assist centres or candidates in completing Unit G062 – Structured ICT Tasks. Centres must ensure they abide by the JCQ Instructions for Conducting Coursework 2016/17.
It is the responsibility of teachers to ensure candidates do not use any unofficial guidance available via third party websites e.g. ‘frequently asked questions’ (FAQs). Such guidance could affect the validity, reliability and fairness of assessment for all candidates, and may constitute malpractice.
Teachers are not permitted to provide additional or extended guidance to candidates and must record the nature of any other assistance or guidance given to, or used by, candidates. Marks should be adjusted accordingly and teachers should include their comments on the candidate’s mark recording sheet.
All candidates should read the ‘Information for candidates’ and ‘Notice to candidates’ printed on the front page of the Structured ICT Tasks sheet.
What guidance is available to support teachers?
All supporting documents for Unit G062, including OCR’s frequently asked questions, instructions for teachers, and teacher guidance are already available via Interchange. To find these, log in, hover over ‘Coursework and tests’ in the left-hand menu and click on ‘Controlled assessment materials’.
OCR’s frequently asked questions are for the use of teachers only and should not be shared with candidates.
The mark scheme, which will be added to Interchange later in the academic year, is a confidential document and the content must not be disclosed to candidates until after results have been issued. Once teaching staff have seen the mark scheme, they must not give any further assistance to candidates with a view to improving their work.
Exams officers should only release the mark scheme to the appropriate teacher, when the teacher is ready to mark the candidate’s work. The mark scheme can be released on a task-by-task basis, if required.
Teachers must not discuss or share the contents of OCR’s frequently asked questions, or the mark scheme, with anyone outside their centre including temporary supply teaching and cover staff. It is the responsibility of all centre staff to maintain the confidentiality of the structured ICT tasks, all related materials, and the mark scheme in order to ensure a valid, reliable and fair assessment process for all.
If you have any queries about this notice, please call our Customer Contact Centre on 01223 553998 or email