Cambridge National Certificate in Information Technologies
10 January 2018
Amendments to the set assignment
Two amendments have been made to the R013 set assignment. Please double check and make sure you are using the most up-to-date version with your students.
Data file
Before Christmas, an error was found in the Guest Bookings datafile. Row 3 incorrectly had a ‘Y’ rather than an ‘N’ in the 'Discount' field. The incorrect file was amended and re-uploaded on 18 December 2017.
Assignment brief
In the assignment brief, we are currently amending the example in which guests book three events with a double room. The original example incorrectly labelled the MotoGP event as having a 10% discount. The correct discount should have been 15%. An amended assignment brief will be uploaded shortly.
We are sorry for the inconvenience these amendments cause and will make sure candidates aren't disadvantaged by the correction of these errors. The updated documents can be accessed via the qualification page, under 'Set assignment'.
If you have any queries about this notice, please call our Customer Contact Centre on 02476 851509 or email
- Information Technologies Level 1/2 Certificate - J808