Supporting exams officers on results days 2021: GCSEs, AS and A Levels and Cambridge Nationals 09/07/2021 Alison Leather, Customer Support Manager for the South East, provides a summary of what will be available and how our results documents can support your results days.
Supporting exams officers on results days 2021: Cambridge Technicals 09/07/2021 Alison Leather, Customer Support Manager for the South East, provides a summary of what will be available and how our results documents can support your Cambridge Technicals results days.
Geography at your fingertips - fieldwork in your local area 01/07/2021 In this guest blog, Charlotte Foster from the Field Studies Council suggests ways that geography teachers can use their local area to engage students’ interest in field work.
Why teach OCR GCSE Psychology? 18/06/2021 In this guest blog post, Laura Peacey, a Subject Lead for PIXL Psychology and former Head of Psychology, discusses the benefits of teaching OCR GCSE Psychology
Teaching about crime in social science qualifications 18/06/2021 Lucy Carey looks at how crime topics and themes can be delivered through a range of social science qualifications at GCSE and A Level for students interested in criminology.
National School Sports Week: how you can get involved 09/06/2021 Mark Johnson explains the purpose of National School Sport Week and provides some resources that will help schools get involved this year.
A Level Maths - Logarithms, the original mathematical calculator 07/06/2021 Steven Walker, Maths Subject Advisor, looks at the issues that examiners have seen when A Level Maths candidates use logarithms in problem solving and modelling questions.
Pride Month - making LGBTQ+ history more visible 07/06/2021 June is Pride month. Mike Goddard reflects on the visibility of LGBTQ+ history in our specifications, and talks to cultural historian Marcus Collins about studying social attitudes to homosexuality.
Determining TAGs for larger Cambridge Technicals L3 qualifications (2016 suite) 03/06/2021 For centres delivering Cambridge Technicals, Neil Hateley provides more detail on how to determine teacher assessed grades (TAGs) for larger qualifications.
Introducing the new Core Maths (MEI) textbook 02/06/2021 Ruth Wroe, Subject Advisor for Maths, puts questions to the authors of the new Core Maths textbook, OCR Core Maths A and B (MEI), to find out how it will help students and teachers.