As one of the major UK exam boards, we're responsible for creating and marking exams taken by over a million learners each year. We provide GCSEs and A Levels in over 40 subjects and offer over 100 vocational qualifications. We work with over 8,000 examiners and assessors, over 90% of whom are teachers or ex-teachers, who create and mark our exams.
Creating an exam paper
When you sit an exam paper, did you know that it started life about a year before? This short video for GCSE and A Level students explains what goes into creating a new exam paper.
From exam to results day
The journey of an exam paper between the exam day and results day. A short video for GCSE and A Level students explaining how your exam is marked and graded.
Factsheets on examining
Here are some printable factsheets designed to explain the basics of examining. They cover the key stages involved in examining GCSEs and A Levels: