AS entries drop significantly
19 June 2017
AS entries have dropped substantially in summer 2017 as more of the available AS qualifications are ‘de-coupled’ and AS results no longer count towards A Level grades.
This is one of the main findings from Ofqual’s publication of provisional entries for this summer’s GCSEs, AS and A Levels. The report’s figures reflect changes to qualifications as well as wider policy changes
42% fewer AS entries have been made this year with some of the largest percentage decreases in engineering, performing arts and drama. AS entries are now lower than A Level entries overall.
Other findings include:
- Entries in EBacc subjects at GCSE increased overall by 9%. Entries for all non-EBacc subjects declined.
- GCSE English and English Language (9 to 1 and A* to G) are up 52% due to more year 10s taking English Language a year early and more year 11 students taking GCSE English language now that international GCSEs in this subject no longer count in school accountability measures.
- English Literature (9 to 1) GCSE entries are up 48%. This is likely to be a result of accountability measures (Progress 8 and Attainment 8) that double count the better of English language/English literature grades, providing both are taken.
- GCSE entries from both years 11 and 12 and above increased overall.
- 53% of students have been entered for the higher tier of GCSE mathematics. Data suggests that this is lower than in previous years.
- A Level entries remained stable. Most notable increases in entry were in science, computing and political studies. Maths remains the most popular subject.
The data was collected by Ofqual in April, so although not complete, does provide a guide to the possible changes in entry patterns that we might see when results are reported in August.