New ‘terminal rule’ confirmed for technical awards on performance tables 18/02/2020 The DfE has confirmed new rules for technical awards on key stage 4 performance tables.
Update: DfE review of post-16 qualifications at Level 3 and below 14/02/2020 Here is a quick summary of how the DfE review of post-16 qualifications is progressing.
Post-16 review continues with proposed list of qualifications for defunding 13/02/2020 The DfE has published the initial list of qualifications with low or no publicly-funded enrolments in scope for the potential removal of post-16 funding approval.
New AO rules around centre assessment checks to be introduced 13/02/2020 Ofqual has confirmed that awarding organisations must introduce Centre Assessment Standards Scrutiny processes by September 2021.
Call to ditch pen and paper exams 11/02/2020 A new report recommends exam assessment should be digital.
Call for evidence on music education announced 10/02/2020 The DfE is seeking views to inform its national plan for music education.
Range of factors influence choice in vocational qualifications 07/02/2020 Findings from a recent survey show the factors influencing choice for centres.
Ofqual report highlights strengths of internal assessment 07/02/2020 Ofqual has published the results of a survey on internal assessment.
Qualifications market 2018-19: the stats 06/02/2020 Ofqual's annual report on the qualifications market has been published.
MEI proposes post-16 GCSE maths curriculum 28/01/2020 MEI is investigating the feasibility of a new maths GCSE curriculum for post-16 resit students.