Introducing the RQF 28/09/2015 In a blog published in today’s FE Week, we consider the implications of the introduction of the RQF.
RQF to “change perceptions surrounding vocational education” 21/09/2015 Ofqual has published the rules for the new Regulated Qualifications Framework.
Further consultations on 2017 GCSE and A Level subjects 14/09/2015 The DfE and Ofqual are inviting views on the proposed content and assessment arrangements of further GCSE and A Level subjects.
Reviewing post-16 education and training: first areas announced 14/09/2015 The first areas in the government’s wide-ranging review of post-16 education and training have been announced.
Prison education to be prioritised 11/09/2015 The provision of prison education in England and Wales is to undergo a review.
A national constitution for schools? 10/09/2015 Research on school accountability and collaboration calls for a national constitution for schools.
Headteachers oppose making EBacc GCSEs compulsory 09/09/2015 The vast majority of headteachers are against a government decision to make it compulsory for pupils to take the academic GCSEs needed to fulfil the EBacc.
Professional development standards for teachers 07/09/2015 The Teachers’ Professional Development Expert Group is seeking evidence to inform a new standard for teachers’ professional development.
Select Committee to question Ofqual 04/09/2015 The Education Select Committee is to hold a one-off evidence session on the work of Ofqual.
Call for English and maths levy on schools 03/09/2015 A resit levy should be applied to schools to cover the costs of some or all of their students who do not achieve A*-C in GCSE English or maths.