OCR homepage
Once you have made your entries, you can submit your off-site (AS, A Level and GCSE) and on-site (AS and A Level) filmed evidence from the start of February. After your moderation visit, you will be able to submit your moderation day filmed evidence.
All practical performance filmed evidence must be uploaded via Submit for Assessment. It is no longer possible to send your evidence by post.
Note: This only applies to the practical performance and moderation day filmed evidence – if you make entries for the postal moderation option for the Evaluating and Analysing Performance for Improvement (eg H155A, H555A and J587B), there is no change to this submission method.
To access Submit for Assessment, exams officers need to give access to the person responsible for uploading PE filmed evidence.
The person responsible for submitting filmed evidence will need a My Cambridge account and the ‘Submit for Assessment: Exams Officer’ or ‘Submit for Assessment: Teacher’ user role.
Instructions on how to do this are available on our website.
Log into Submit for Assessment. You can either do this by logging into My Cambridge at sso.cambridge.org and clicking on the ‘Submit for Assessment’ tile, by going directly to Submit for Assessment or by clicking the link on the home page of the PE Moderation Service.
After you log in, you will see a Welcome page. Choose OCR and click 'Continue'.
You will then see the home page which shows the qualifications you can upload files for. Choose a qualification by clicking on it and then click on the practical performance component.
All students entered for the assessment will appear. The first student will already be open. If you have already submitted your marks, these will be shown.
The component will be split into sections of evidence. For all qualifications, you will see ‘Moderation day filmed evidence & coversheet’ at the top of the component. This should not be used until after the moderation day.
For each candidate, for GCSE, AS and A Level, you will see ‘Off-site filmed evidence’ and ‘Supporting material. For AS and A Level you will also see ‘On-site filmed evidence’.
For each section, the accepted file types are listed. For PE videos, you must use one of the following file formats as these can be played on-screen easily (streamed): .3gp, .m4v, .mov, .mp4.
You can now upload your off-site and on-site filmed evidence files to the evidence sections. As a reminder, you need to upload:
For full details of this and other filming requirements, please our assessment page.
To upload your files, you can either drag and drop them from your file browser window or click the Upload icon, choose your files and click Open.
When you have uploaded all the files you need, click 'Submit'.
Tick the declaration and click 'Submit' again.
A confirmation page will appear. When you close this, the screen will show that the sample has been submitted and you can no longer upload any more files.
You can play and download the files you have uploaded by clicking the view or download icon.
If you need to make any changes after you have submitted your evidence, please email us at support@ocr.org.uk.
After your moderation day, Submit for Assessment will be ‘reopened’ so you can upload your moderation day filmed evidence and cover sheet. These need to be uploaded for each component – you do not need to upload evidence for each student. You will not be able to edit any of the files you have previously submitted.