Cambridge National in Information Technologies
02 December 2019
Set assignment improvements
Following your feedback, we have made some improvements to the Cambridge National in Information Technologies (J808) set assignment.
We’ve improved accessibility by making the structure of the assignment clearer for candidates by:
- Adding guidance for candidates around a suitable folder structure, and suitable naming conventions, including guidance on where candidates should save their outputs
- Reminding candidates to think ahead when choosing software types to ensure they are familiar with the requirements they need to meet
- Calling out parts of the Project Lifecycle within the assignment to help candidates build on their theoretical knowledge and apply it appropriately (eg “Task 1 – Initiation and Planning”)
- Explicitly identifying which part of the assignment is about the iterative review
- Adding bullet points to some of the tasks
- Identifying which parts of the task relate to set up of the integrated IT system (ie how the system should function) and which parts of the task relate to expected outputs of the system (information presentation)
- Improving the candidate assignment checklist to align it more closely with the detail we provided in the task
- Stating explicitly when candidates need to access the source data provided
- Reminding candidates about what they should include within their final evaluation.
We’ve also supported teachers by:
- Explicitly referencing which part of the marking criteria is covered by each task output
- Improving the candidate assignment check list to also align it more closely with the marking grid.
We also offer a wide range of support including teaching delivery packs, candidate exemplars, free CPD and our new guide to preparing yourself and candidates for the moderated units (Unboxing the assignment).
If you have any queries about this update, please call our Customer Support Centre on 02476 851509 or email
- Information Technologies Level 1/2 Certificate - J808