Updated centre authentication form
27 March 2025
We have made some small changes to the centre authentication form (CCS160) for general qualifications and Cambridge Nationals.
We have made it clearer to declare that all reasonable steps were taken to make sure the work submitted is solely that of the candidates concerned, including steps to mitigate the risk of AI misuse.
If you have already completed the form for the June 2025 series, you do not need to complete a new one.
What is the centre authentication form?
For each centre-assessed unit or component, teachers are required to declare the work submitted for centre assessment is the candidate's own work by completing a centre authentication form.
This form should be kept in your centre until all reviews of results, malpractice and appeals have been resolved. This is also a requirement for private candidates.
Accessing the updated form
You can access the updated form from our Forms finder tool on our website and from the Assessment > Forms section on Teach Cambridge.
The centre authentication is also listed as part of the submission requirements for general qualifications and Cambridge Nationals on our website.
If you have any queries about this update, please call our Customer Support Centre on 01223 553998 or email support@ocr.org.uk.