GCSE Drama (J316)
12 November 2020
Amended pre-release paper
We have amended three errors on the Devising drama 2020-2022 pre-release paper.
On Stimulus 6 (page 10), we have made the following changes:
- the name of the photographer was ‘Halsam’ and is now ‘Halsman’
- the title of the photograph was ‘Atomicus’ and is now ‘Dali Atomicus’
- the date of the photograph was ‘1942’ and is now ‘1948’.
You can download the amended J316/01/02 Devising drama 2020-2022 pre-release paper from the Assessment > Pre-release materials section of our GCSE Drama qualification page.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
If you have any queries about this update, please call our Customer Support Centre on 01223 553998 or email drama@ocr.org.uk.