GCSE (9-1) Computer Science programming skills
19 August 2021
For GCSE (9-1) Computer Science (J277), all students must be given the opportunity to undertake a programming task or tasks during their course of study. These tasks should allow candidates to gain practical experience of the programming skills listed within the specification. The programming task(s) must allow candidates to design, write, test and refine programs in a high-level text-based programming language(s).
Programming skills statement
You must complete a practical programming statement for all examination series in which candidates are entered confirming you have met the requirements in Section 2d of the Computer Science specification (Design, Write, Test, Refine).
You can complete the statement on the Practical programming statement section of the GCSE (9-1) Computer Science (J277) qualification page.
The statement must be completed by someone who can declare the requirements have been met. This may be your Head of Centre or Head of Department.
Statements must be submitted to us by 15 May for each summer examination period.
If you have any questions about this update, you can contact us at computerscience@ocr.org.uk or call 01223 553998.
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