Provisional summer 2026 timetables – please tell us your views
03 February 2025
The JCQ awarding bodies have worked together to draft the provisional exam timetables for the June 2026 series. The OCR timetables are now available to download:
These provisional timetables are also available in spreadsheet format which you can download from the our website.
When developing the timetables, the JCQ awarding bodies use statistics from previous series to avoid major clashes and feedback from centres to identify significant problems. However, we realise it is difficult to eliminate clashes altogether.
Please review the timetables within your school or college and send any feedback to us at by Friday 21 March 2025.
Your feedback will be considered during our review and the final June 2026 exam timetables will be published on Monday 28 April 2025. The JCQ will also publish a summary of all the feedback received and any changes made.
When reviewing the timetables, please note there will be only one contingency day for use in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations – the contingency half days have been removed to reduce the likelihood of clashes.
If you have any queries about this update, please call our Customer Support Centre on 01223 553998 or email