Incorporating Pancake Day in GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition 20/02/2025 Subject Support Coordinator Lisa Winnington, suggests how teachers could make Pancake Day a great lesson in food education.
British Science Week 2025 – change and adapt: the cars of the future 18/02/2025 For British Science Week, Subject Advisor Mike Jackson discusses how the 2025 theme of ‘Change and adapt’ can be related to the move away from petrol and diesel cars.
Getting the most out of ExamBuilder for GCSE Psychology 18/02/2025 How can you use ExamBuilder to support GCSE Psychology assessment? Psychology Subject Advisor Nicola Heath highlights the key features and shares her top tips.
Introducing our BSL glossaries 14/02/2025 Science Subject Advisor Ally Davies introduces the new BSL glossaries for our science qualifications.
GCSE Maths curriculum and assessment: time for change? 12/02/2025 How can Maths education at GCSE level be improved? Charlie Stripp MBE, Chief Executive of Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI) looks at some of the issues and debates.
STEM Contributors resource – 2025 update 12/02/2025 Science Subject Advisor Ally Davies introduces the updated STEM Contributors resources for our science qualifications.
Guidance and support for the use of AI in the OCR Level 3 Certificate in Sustainability 04/02/2025 Subject Support Coordinator Lisa Winnington highlights the opportunities for use and misuse of AI in our qualifications and gives you the steps to manage and support your candidates’ use of AI.
Religious Studies and careers guidance 31/01/2025 Richard Barrow, Religious Studies subject advisor, discusses issues around career pathways for RS students.
How grading works in A Level Religious Studies 13/01/2025 Subject advisor Richard Barrow explains how grades are awarded at A Level, and how teachers and students could target A* grades.
A Level Physics: diverse role models for women in electrons, waves and photons content 09/01/2025 Subject advisor Mike Jackson spotlights four influential women in careers relating to the electrons, waves and photons topic in A Level Physics.