The New Ning: OCR Schoology Groups
25 August 2016
One of the questions that teachers have been asking us most this summer is whether there would be new ‘Nings’ set up for our new Geography qualifications. For those who don’t know the Ning is a website where you could share resources, discuss the fine grain detail of the content with other teachers and when exam season comes round the Ning provides a space to share revision resources and practice assessment materials. In the words of Simon Renshaw, a geography teacher at Soar Valley College and OCR GCSE A Ning founder, ‘it is like having an online department to talk to!’ Unfortunately the only down side to the Ning is the online subscription which needs to be paid.
Therefore the ‘new Ning’ for teachers to network, share ideas and resources will be Schoology which has the same functionality as the Ning but without a subscription fee. All you have to do is sign up and join the OCR group for you!
How to join a Schoology group:
1. Select the “groups” tab at the top of the page.
2. Select “join” and enter the access code (listed below) for the group you want to join
• GCSE (9–1) Geography A (Geographical Themes) access code – JXK62-XM68J
• GCSE (9–1) Geography B (Geography for Enquiring Minds) access code - GZXSH-9ZFJC
• AS and A Level Geography access code - SHDJC-H85BS
3. Now you are in the group you can chat to people or let them know you have uploaded resources through the ‘Updates’ page, start or contribute to discussions, share and download resources and upload pictures and videos.
So why not join these new online networks for the new OCR Geography qualifications and start collaborating with teachers across the country? We hope to see you on there!