Introducing new measures to support students to complete their Cambridge Nationals NEA 11/03/2025 We've introduced new measures to support students to complete their Cambridge Nationals NEA.
Cambridge Nationals exemplar materials 28/11/2024 We remind Cambridge Nationals teachers about the use of exemplar materials.
Cambridge Nationals arrangements for summer 2025 14/11/2024 We confirm the checkpoint arrangements for Cambridge Nationals for summer 2025 and the actions you will need to complete.
Measures to embed timely delivery of vocational qualification results in 2024 and beyond 30/10/2023 Ofqual has confirmed measures to embed timely delivery of vocational qualification results in 2024 and beyond.
Amendments to specifications for Cambridge Nationals qualifications 31/08/2023 We've amended the specifications for our Cambridge Nationals qualifications (first teaching from September 2022).
Supporting you with Cambridge Nationals moderated units – key dates and deadlines 27/03/2023 We provide guidance to support your planning for submitting Cambridge Nationals moderated units for summer 2023.
Reminder: 2022/23 assessment arrangements for Cambridge Nationals and Cambridge Technicals 01/12/2022 We remind you we're returning to normal assessment arrangements for Cambridge Nationals and Cambridge Technicals during 2022/23.
Reminder: Redevelopment of our Cambridge Nationals suite 22/06/2022 We remind you we're withdrawing our current Cambridge Nationals suite of qualifications.
Updates for Cambridge National in Child Development J809 27/05/2022 We've updated the specification and sample set assignment (R059) for our refreshed Cambridge National in Child Development qualification.
Redevelopment of Cambridge Nationals suite 08/03/2021 We are withdrawing our current Cambridge Nationals suite of qualifications.