Why choose us?
Our offer for GCSE (9-1) Business
Clear and streamlined specification. Our specification is concise and logically structured into topics, making it easy to navigate. It outlines exactly what needs to be taught and can be used by teachers of all levels of experience.
Accessible and consistent assessments. There are two papers with equal weighting, the same exam duration and a mirrored assessment structure. This includes consistent command words as well as multiple choice questions and use of low tariff questions, with a maximum tariff of 9, on both papers. Our short case studies use student-friendly language.
Limited synopticity. Different content is assessed on each of our papers, but GCSE paper 2 also gives students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to draw together topics from across the specification.
A focus on modern business. Our specification features contemporary content, such as flexible working, digital distribution channels, sustainability, and the use of technology in business. This empowers students with the relevant knowledge they need to succeed in the future — whether that's in education or training within the world of work.
We offer plenty of support. Practice papers, mark schemes and candidate exemplars, as well as resources for teaching and learning and professional development course bookings are all available on Teach Cambridge. We also offer free subject specialist support to all centres via our subject advisor team, as well as services such as Active Results, Access to Scripts and ExamBuilder.