Which qualifications are available in ExamBuilder?
Over 60 qualifications are currently available and we are working to add more. All users can access the full range of available qualifications from the ExamBuilder home page when they log in.
If you would like your qualification to be added, please email exambuilder@ocr.org.uk.
New or reformed qualifications may not have as many questions available. We are working on new content across all qualifications.
How do I create a new test?
Once you have navigated to your desired qualification, click the blue '+ Create a test' button towards the top of the page. From here, you can filter, sort, search and preview questions to find what you need.
How do I filter questions when creating a test?
To open and close the filter window click on the ‘Filter’ button at the top left of the screen.
To apply a filter, click the tick boxes to the left of the filter. The filter will then appear at the top of the page (next to Select sort option), and you will be able to see how many questions are available based on that filter. You can apply multiple filters at once.
To see the question filter options in a new expanded window, click ‘View all filters’ (just beneath the Filter button). Click the box next to a filter to select it. Click ‘Close’ at the top right of this window to close this expanded view and apply your selected filters.
To remove the filter, click the filter where it appears at the top of the page (next to Sort), or untick the box to the left of the filter in the filter window.
To search for a question using keywords, type in the search bar and then press the enter key or the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search bar. Use "speech marks" around a word or phrase to narrow down the results when searching. For example, "math equations".
To remove a keyword search filter, remove your keyword from the search bar and then press the enter key or the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search bar.
How do I filter questions by subtopics when creating a test?
To see the subtopics available under a certain topic, click the arrow to the right of the topic name in the filter window.
How do I preview questions and their mark schemes when creating a test?
To preview a question, click on the question description. This will show you the question, and give you an option to see the mark scheme for that question.
How do I add questions to my test?
To add a question to your test, click the '+' button to the right of a question or the 'Add to test' button above the question preview.
How do I remove questions from my test?
To remove a question from your test on the 'Add questions' page, click the 'X' button to the right of the question or the 'Remove from test' button above the question preview.
To delete individual questions from the 'View test' page, click the 'X' button to the right of the question in the 'Questions in this test' area. A confirmation message will appear and you will be able to see your changes in the test preview to the right of the screen.
To clear all questions from your test from the 'View test' page, click 'Clear all' at the bottom right of the 'Questions in this test' area. A confirmation message will appear and you can start creating your test from scratch.
How do I reorder the questions in my test?
To reorder the questions in your test, go to 'View test' and click and drag the questions to the desired position in the 'Questions in this test' area. You will then be able to preview the reordered test on the right of the screen. Both the test and mark scheme will be reordered automatically based on your changes.
How do I view my test and corresponding mark scheme?
To view your test, click 'View test' in the blue bar at the top right of the screen. You'll be able to preview your test to the right of the screen, with the mark scheme at the bottom. This page allows you to reorder the questions in your test, delete questions, and clear all questions.
What are merged questions?
Whilst we have split questions from exam papers as much as possible, there are some cases where this was not possible and multiple parts need to be kept together. These are referred to as 'merged questions' in ExamBuilder. if merged questions are part of your test, you will receive a notification when you click 'View test'.
If you add part of a merged question to your test, the other parts will be added too. If you reorder questions within your test, merged questions will stay together. You can remove any parts of these questions after you have exported the tests into Editable Word document.
How do I know where questions came from originally?
Within the question information pane in the 'Add questions' and 'View test' areas you can see the question number, session and unit/module/component code for the individual question.
How can I edit tests I have created?
You can see all the tests you have created for a qualification under 'My Tests' in the relevant qualification page. To edit a created test, click 'Edit' under the test details. You can then add and reorder questions in the same way you did when creating the test. Saving over it will overwrite the original. You can also click 'Clone' under the test details to use an existing test as the basis for a brand-new test - saving here will not overwrite the original. When you clone a test, it will have the name of the original test but with clone at the end of the test name.
Can I make a test using questions from more than one subject?
Unfortunately no. You can export your tests to Word and merge multiple tests together offline if you choose to.
Why do I have an odd figure or table number in the question e.g. Figure 31.1?
When we have separated questions from a past paper, we have kept the original figure and table numbering from the paper. This is so that the numbering corresponds to the relevant examiner reports and mark schemes.
How do I access extra question-related material and additional mark guidance?
The mark scheme is included for all questions. Many questions have additional information from the examiners' report included with the mark scheme. When you export a test, you can choose whether to include the question paper, mark scheme or both.
When exporting a test, you can also download extra question-related material and additional mark guidance by clicking these options in the Export window. This will bring up a range of examiner reports, inserts, data sheets and other useful material.
My subjects are greyed out and can’t click the links
Please follow these steps:
- If you log out of ExamBuilder,
- then clear the internet cache of your browser.
- Then login back in and it should generate a new subscription entry and apply the fixes implemented.
You can also try a different browser as another option. If you are still experiencing this issue, please email exambuilder@ocr.org.uk and we will investigate further.