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Access arrangements are made before an examination series to enable a candidate with particular requirements to demonstrate attainment.
For most qualifications, detailed information can be found in the JCQ Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments document. Please see the current academic year’s document to keep up to date with any changes.
Apply for access arrangements as soon as possible after the course has begun.
For Cambridge Technicals you must submit applications using the online tool, Access Arrangements Online (see below) by the published deadlines for the appropriate series.
Please make sure that you choose “Other” when selecting the relevant qualification. This will allow you to select from a list of qualifications, one of which is Cambridge Technicals. Please note that approval for access arrangements in GCE qualifications does not automatically extend to Technicals, so you must have specific approval for this qualification.
If you do not submit your request by the deadline, we cannot guarantee we will be able to fulfil your request.
Contact the special requirements team at srteam@ocr.org.uk if you have concerns about meeting a published deadline.
For Cambridge Technicals use the online tool, Access Arrangements Online, accessed via Interchange. See the JCQ website for more information. You must record whether the candidate has a medical condition or a temporary injury.
In all cases, consider the nature of the assessment being undertaken. For example, marks cannot be awarded to a candidate for work undertaken by a scribe or practical assistant in the realisation of design, performance and artwork.
Further restrictions can be found in the JCQ Access Arrangements document above.
Most blank cover sheets can be downloaded from the JCQ website.
The scribe and practical assistant cover sheets can be downloaded from Access Arrangements Online.
You must also use the scribe cover sheet when students use a word processor with the grammar and spellcheck enabled.
We can confirm you no longer need to use a word processor cover sheet to return word processed scripts to us. However, if you would like to use one, we have provided one for you:
Place all our cover sheets, additional answer booklets and word-processed pages inside the completed question paper or answer booklet. Do not attach them using a treasury tag or any other fastening.
Make sure candidates add their full name, candidate and centre number, unit/component code plus the page number, in each header or footer of any separate word-processed pages.
Emergency access arrangements can be made for unforeseen circumstances arising at the time of the examination by applying online or via the appropriate forms as described above.
If you have missed a published deadline, please contact the special requirements team for advice at srteam@ocr.org.uk.
Download the latest key dates information from the key dates and timetables page for details of final order dates for modified papers.
For timetabled assessments use the ‘Order Modified Paper’ section of Access Arrangements Online (via OCR Interchange) to request modified papers. These must be ordered separately in the relevant section of Access Arrangements Online and not as part of other access arrangement applications.
The majority of question papers are already modified for language and you do not need to request these separately.
The standard formats available are:
Where a candidate requires a question paper on coloured paper and/or enlarged from A4 to A3, or has been granted approval by Access Arrangements Online for a computer reader, it is strongly recommended that an electronic copy of the standard question paper is used.
In order to access our standard electronic question papers, you need to place an order for non-interactive question papers using Access Arrangements Online (AAO) by the deadline.
Question papers will be available to download 60 minutes before the published starting time for the exam – at 8.00am or 12.30pm for morning and afternoon sessions respectively.
To access them you’ll need to have an account on our secure system, Digital File Despatch (DFD). If you’ve never used DFD before, we’ll set up an account for you. After your account is activated, you’ll be able to access your DFD account via our single sign-on service, My Cambridge. For a step-by-step guide on how to access DFD, see our Digital File Despatch page.
The question papers are in PDF format. They can be read on-screen but cannot be typed into. If you are printing the PDFs on to coloured paper, please staple the sheets together before giving them to your candidate. For further information on the electronic question papers, see our blog.