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We no longer collect estimated entries for all qualifications – only those which have pre-release materials sent as hard copies.
If you do not make estimated entries, you will not receive the early despatches of pre-release examination materials.
Estimated entries are your centre’s best projection of the number of candidates that will be entered for a unit or option in a particular series. They are free and do not commit your centre in any way.
For the following components, estimated entries have been automatically calculated from the June 2023 final entries. Please update them if you wish to make entries for a new qualification, if the volumes you plan to enter change greatly or if you are no longer going to be making final entries.
The deadline for submitting estimated entries for the June series is 10 October. Estimated entries are not required for the November and January series.
As part of our work to increase our security arrangements, we’ve added two-factor authentication (2FA) to our secure website, Interchange. This means we’ve changed the way you log into Interchange. For more information, see our Interchange page.
Estimated entries can only be submitted through Interchange.
Log in to Interchange, hover over ‘Entries’ in the left-hand menu and click on ‘Submit estimated entries’.
Use the dropdown menus to search for the qualifications you need to submit estimated entries for and then click ‘Search’.
On the next page, add your estimates to the relevant boxes.
Click ‘Save’ to submit this information to us.
If you need to change your estimated entries after you’ve submitted them, you can amend your estimates via Interchange until the relevant final entry deadline.