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Whether you’re new to OCR or already offer our qualifications, you might find our admin overview useful. This outlines the main administration processes for our remotely moderated vocational qualifications, and will guide you to the relevant, detailed information on our website.
To see which qualifications are remotely moderated, take a look at the latest entry codes booklet.
The first step to offering vocational qualifications is to become an approved centre. For this, you’ll need to complete the vocational centre approval form.
You need separate approval for each qualification and you can only enter candidates for the qualifications you’re approved to offer.
You may need to apply for access arrangements to enable students with special needs, disabilities or temporary injuries to access assessments. Apply as soon as possible before the assessment.
See the access arrangements page for more information.
Make named or unnamed entries via Interchange so we can allocate an examiner-moderator to your centre and you can make claims.
There are no specific entry deadlines and entries are processed within 24 to 48 hours.
More information is available in the Entries section and the entry codes booklet.
Assessments can take place at any time. For information about the assessment requirements for each qualification, see the centre handbooks on the qualification pages.
Once your candidates have completed units of the qualification, you can make a claim for unit or full awards via Interchange. You must then send the students’ work to the OCR examiner-moderator within 24 hours.
See the remote moderation page for more details.
Your OCR examiner-moderator will confirm or edit the claim as appropriate.
Results will be issued and available to view on Interchange within 21 working days of submitting work.
The examiner-moderator will produce a centre feedback report for each batch of work submitted.
We’ll issue certificates five working days after results are published.
Unit certificates will be issued once a candidate has achieved a unit. When the candidate has achieved the number of units required for the whole qualification, the overall certificate will be automatically issued.
If you have questions about results, including missing results, use one of our post-results services.
If you’re still unhappy with the post-results decision then you may be able to appeal.
Check the fees for each service.
We’re here to support you throughout the assessment cycle and we produce a range of tools and additional guidance material you may find useful.
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