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Access arrangements are made before an examination series to enable a candidate with particular requirements to demonstrate attainment.
For most qualifications, detailed information can be found in the JCQ Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments document. Please see the current academic year’s document to keep up to date with any changes.
Apply for access arrangements as soon as possible after the course has begun.
Applications for vocational qualifications can be turned round in a shorter time than general qualifications, but please try to submit applications at least two weeks before the first assessment.
Contact the special requirements team at srteam@ocr.org.uk if you have concerns about meeting a published deadline.
For all vocational qualifications, email Form VQ EA, Form VQ IA or JCQ Form 8, as appropriate, to srteam@ocr.org.uk.
Make sure you specify which access arrangements you are applying for, especially if you select ‘Other’.
Section C of Form 8 must be signed by the person who undertook the testing. Please provide sufficient detail in your application to justify or show eligibility for the arrangements being requested. Failure to do so will delay the processing of the application and may result in a request for further information or a rejection.
In all cases, consider the nature of the assessment being undertaken. For example, marks cannot be awarded to a candidate for work undertaken by a scribe or practical assistant in the realisation of design, performance and artwork.
Further restrictions can be found in the JCQ Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments document.
Emergency access arrangements can be made for unforeseen circumstances arising at the time of the examination by applying online or via the appropriate forms as described above.
If you have missed a published deadline, please contact the special requirements team for advice at srteam@ocr.org.uk.