Internally Assessed Vocational Qualifications 01/03/2016 Additional guidance on how internal standardisation may be approached.
GCSE Gateway Science B 01/02/2016 Safety amendment to teacher guidance notes for GCSE Gateway Science B (J261) Unit B713 (purifying copper)
Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector 01/02/2016 Withdrawal of Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector qualifications (PTLLS, CTLLS, DTLLS) (10318-10322)
Living Texts Level 1/2 Certificate 01/02/2016 Changes to performance points and discounting rules for Living Texts Level 1/2 Certificate (J945).
GCSE Media Studies 01/02/2016 Amendment to GCSE Media Studies (J526) assessment material text (Unit B323).
GCSE English and English Language 01/02/2016 Reminder: GCSE English qualification options for first teaching in 2015
GCSE Mathematics Qualifications 01/02/2016 Reminder: GCSE Mathematics options from first teaching in 2015
Update: Reformed Qualifications 01/02/2016 Reminder: GCSEs, AS and A Levels reformed for first teaching from 2015
GCE Business Studies 01/01/2016 Amendment to GCE Business Studies pre-release stimulus material (H430)