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In an ideal world, all entries would be right first time but we understand that changes often need to be made.
If you want to amend or withdraw any of your existing entries, you must not send an EDI amendment file as this will simply create duplicate entries. Instead, please follow the instructions below.
If you need to update candidates’ personal details, e.g. name or date or birth, you can do so free of charge. Please email vqprocessing@ocr.org.uk with the details.
If you wish to change a candidate’s whole name (rather than correct a spelling mistake), you will also need to send proof of the candidate’s name change.
You can withdraw examined unit entries without charge until the ‘withdrawal with a refund’ deadline. After this date, any withdrawals will not be refunded and candidates should be marked as absent on the attendance register.
To withdraw an examined unit entry, email vqprocessing@ocr.org.uk with the following details:
You can withdraw qualification entries if students have left the programme and will not be claiming any more units.
You must not withdraw students with any pending unit results or students who will be completing their qualification in a future year.
To request a withdrawal, you can now use the Cambridge Technicals Progress Tracker (you no longer need to email us). You will need the Exams Officer role within the Progress Tracker:
The student will have a status of 'Withdrawn' within the Progress Tracker until the withdrawal is processed. They will then be removed from the Progress Tracker and the entry will no longer be available within Interchange. Unit achievements will continue to be available to view within Interchange.
If you apply the 'Withdrawn' status to a student in error and the student is still available in the Progress Tracker, change the student back to their correct estimated completion date and the qualification entry will not be withdrawn.
If you apply the 'Withdrawn' status to a student in error and the student is no longer available in the Tracker, please contact us.
If you have students who are moving to another centre, their qualification entry can be transferred to the new centre. Please do not withdraw the entry. The new centre should email us at vqprocessing@ocr.org.uk with the details, including written agreement from you to authorise the transfer.